No stranger to this horrible disease, in 2010, I found myself on the other end of the diagnosis. Upon turning 40 I felt it was important if not downright symbolic to have my first mammogram the week of my first Komen 3-day. Little did I know I was in for the scare of a lifetime. Not only did I receive the "typical" first mammorgram call back but that led to an ultrasound which led to a core biopsy. Initially, I had a mass of atypical cells growing in my breast albeit growing slowly they were there and should not have been. One week post-op I met with my breast surgeon fully expecting to hear that all my worry was for nothing however that is not what I heard. Instead I received a diagnosis of Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Apparently, the atypical cells were indeed atypical however another area which was not even detected on the mammogram revealed itself as a small carcinoma. It is an invasive ductal cancer that is slow growing. Had the atypical cells not been removed then this may not have been caught so early.
If I was not already a poster child for early detection especially in young women I certainly am even more committed to getting the word out about it. Finding these atypical cells when they did very well could have saved my life and kept me from going down a long and painful road with this horrible disease.
Three surgeries plus thirty three radiation treatments later, I am thriving and moving forward with my life. For the record, my friend who was given very little chance of survival at diagnosis is currently NED (No evidence of disease) due I believe to her healthy, vegan lifestyle. This August 31 will be four years for her and three years for me.
I wholeheartedly believe that we are what we eat.